If you are one of our CURRENT Preschool families, we would love to have you join us again this fall! Here are 3 steps to complete your enrollment:
1. Please download and fill out the ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT FORM from the homepage of our website. You may select a first and second choice of class options. Return the Enrollment Agreement Form to the preschool office, or email a PDF to elizabeth.vonbusch@northpark.com . Make sure to sign and date the form.
2. Please make your REGISTRATION PAYMENTonline, and forward the confirmation of payment to elizabeth.vonbusch@northpark.com so I can print it for your child's file. **IMPORTANT: You MUST forward your confirmation of payment in order to secure your spot**
After those steps are complete, I will send you a confirmation of enrollment with our back to school dates! Please send me an email if you have any questions. It's going to be a great year!